Till then, syila
guys, today shirliff had fun together. haha mcm ni aw cheer practise habis awal skit cause just few je yg dtg. yg lain semua tak dtg. hmm, then kitaorg just buat cart-wheel semua. i buat headstand aw then terhantuk. ouchhh sakit! aha biasalah kann. oh then then dah tkda kerja tu kitaorg cam buat something then semua gelak gelak. no pressured! :D best haha. balik tu i, alya natasha, aaliya, fatyn, sheerin, farahtan pegi toilet. LG :p dayumn, awesome gila. gelak gelak gila babi semua. hahaha semua dah cam baring baring. seriously today cool gila doooooooooooooooooooooooo. loveu guys :) oh and and smlm tkda cheer practise pergi lepak alibaba dgn ajip, kamila, omar, naa, irah, beby, syezrieq. rinduuuuuuuuuuu korang!