satiesfied .

Yeah hey peoples, hello hello. i was like freakin bored -_- im doned with myspace & facebook . Okay , u guys know what ? Bengang gila bila tengok page dia . Hehs syg iloveyou , but everything was like trouble bila i buat hal . Sikit punya salah pun mcm besar lah sgt masalah enn ! Seriously i can't let you go cause iloveyou & i hope u will always with me . Maybe you happy with ur girlfriend now , thats good for you ;)

Tomorrow bm's paper . Nasib baik dah baca buku skit skit lah ! Hahaha malas gila actually . Oh and and flyfm anniversary this saturday . I wish i can go :( But exam kan . Hish sabar jelah , oh and now i dgn ekaabun dah baik . Ehe actually she;'s nice && kind . WOOT WOOT , iloveyou b . I WANT NEW BOYFRIEND please :D hehe i wish

today :D

yeah today . why ? hahah naaa lepak dgn syafiq and other's lah enn. dkt setiawangsa, kitaorg shisha . okay i sanggup ponteng pafa semata-mata nak lepak dgn diaorg :) hahah nvm .
jumpa syafiq mcm pkul 2.30 mcm tu , then dia belajar chemis-try lah enn :p haha sorry sayang . kacau kacau dia , oh and and terpatahkan dia punya ruler . haha ruler dia ada elephant & cat red colour -____ haha sumpah mcm bdk kecik oh . elelee HAHA
then sarah dtg dgn A , berfore that akef , syikin & rafie pun ada jgk . heee cam lepak lepak , tnggu kwn syafiq dtg . rmai :S hoho sumpah gila do lepak dgn dorang sume .
then kwn syafiq , AL mcm cerita lah pasal ex dia . i terlepas ckp something yg membuatkan syafiq marah mybe . sorry again
dlm pkul 5 syafiq ckp lah nak hnta i balik , but fared dtg . so baik naik kereta , syafiq hantar i dkt seberang jalan je . hahah thnks a lot wtv it is thnks .
BTW , RINDU SIAL DKT LEYLA . ish haha naa gtg nak rest

hey people's :)

Yeah yeah, imiss syafiq. Missyou sayangggggggggggggggggg ): MALAS NAK UPDATE BLOG :S